Monday, April 11, 2011

How do money managers like Fisher Capital Investments Management make money? ( - Yahoo! Answers

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

They base their fees on a percentage of clients' assets under management.

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Other Answers (1)

  • There are 10 times more companies trading companies that there are companies. This has led to inflated prices. Ideally you invest in companies that do well and get dividends. However a lack of regulation has led to the only way to make money is to buy stocks at a low price and sell them at a high price. These are like balloons they blow up for a while and then pop. Money managers are the only ones that really make money. Not the investors who's money they use. They get fees every time a transaction is made so it is in their best interest to do well so more people give them money. Inevitably though the market always crashes and the ceo's walk away with millions while our money that we were forced to invest via ira's is disappeared. You should watch the movie "Inside Job"

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